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Francesco Galante
memoria di una voce
for Tape

Length: 07:26

Electroacoustic composers may see the theatre of "phoné" (according to the interpretation of Carmelo Bene) as a pretext to experiment with a sort of "acousmatic theatre" starting from the voice of the great actor/author. The experimentation is based on various quotation-like fragments, taken from an important opera he wrote in 1980: Majakovskij. The music of the work does not anyway establish any kind of relationship to Bene's work, but uses his voice as pure material, but also for the emblematic gesture references of his theatre based on the "word-sound". The electronic decomposition of the voice has allowed me to write down an entire catalogue of the sound materials; the same process I used to reorganise the verbal fragments and interrelate them in music so that another drama happens in an episode of electroacoustic music. I have always thought that some part of Bene's research was finalised to an acousmatic conception of theatre, that I wanted to exasperate in this tribute. An exploration likely to be set in the "backstage" of his research.
A tribute to Carmelo Bene, died in March 2002
(Francesco Galante)

Production: Composer's Studio