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Enrico Cocco
Enrico Cocco - Biography
Roma, 1953


E-mail: [email protected]
I Visionari
for flute, violin, electronics and video
Le antichissime e libere figurazioni
Audio opera for digital vocal sounds (2003)

He is a composer, sonic researcher, teacher and festival organizer. His multimedia work I Visionari, inspired by a collection of essays by theologin and philosopher Oliviér Clément, was presented at the Cantiere Internazionale d'Arte di Montepulciano (1997).

He was invited to present his work Poetico Notturno Silenzio at the Freinkurse fur Neue Musik at Darmstadt. His dance work Il Sogno di Chuang-Tzu is based on the short stories of J.L. Borges. He is artistic director of Musica Verticale, a long standing Italian festival on international new music. He is founder of the MusicaExperimento - Musicateatro ensemble, a new group of actors and other performers dedicated to the use of electronic and multimedia techniques in theatre presentations. Cocco has studied with Domenico Guaccero and Mauro Bortolotti and recieved his degree in electronic music from the Conservatorio di S. Cecilia in Rome under the tutalege of Giorgio Nottoli. Since his early experiences with electronic music in the 1970s, he has moved away from pure post-serialist composition and embraced a more personal esthetic of sound dramatics. This has given his works a theatrical quality. His music is influenced by the relationship between sound, theatre and image. Today his interests lie in reseach into how music and drama have shaped the role of the performer.

Updated to 02/2002