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Ars Ludi
Ars Ludi - Biography


Instrument: Ensemble - Percussion
Ars Ludi has taken part in many high-level international festivals: Locarno (video-art); Accademia di Francia, Accademia Tedesca, RomaEuropa; Cantiere Internazionale d'Arte, Montepulciano; Monday Evening Concerts, Los Angeles; Manca, Nice; New York Interpretations; Festival Cervantino; Aterforum, Ferrara; "Land im klang" Vienna; MusicaAcoustica, Peking; Musica/Italia, Edinburgh; Fylkingen, Stockholm; etc.
The central element of the group's musical work is the realization - also through the utilization of new technologies - of concrete sound materials and scenic-theatrical events, of musical projects qualified to reach beyond the dimensions of the traditional concert.
In this context a close collaboration was initiated with composers like Giorgio Battistelli, William Duckworth, Volker Heyn, Luigi Ceccarelli and Alvin Curran.
As a group of concert artists, Ars Ludi has performed in USA, Canada, Spain, Germany, Mexico, China, Sweden, Great Britain, France, Switzerland and on several of these occasions also recorded for the national radio-television networks.
In the form of large ensemble Ars Ludi has participated in wide-ranging and complex musical projects: Steve Reich's Drumming, Michele Dall'Ongaro's Gewael, Luigi Cinque's Primi Piani and Varèsiana on music by Edgar Varèse.

The ensemble orientates its productive activities in various creative directions, of which the most representative consists in the performance of new works commissioned from numerous Italian and foreign composers belonging to different stylistic groups.
Updated to 2001