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Emanuele Casale
Studio 2
for Flute in g and Tape

Length: 04:30
Editor: Edizioni Nuova Stradivarius
1� Performance: Festival di Langenberg - Germania - 06/2000

When I compose electroacoustic pieces, I like to obtaining perceptions of no difference in terms of musical gesture among instruments and electronic processings: they should be as correlated as possible. Starting from this basic concept, I have tried to create some sensations of homogenous interactions between live instrument and tape in a sort of "interlocking system" from rhythmical point of view.
Furthermore I considered the pitches of the electronic part in the same manner of instrumental scores, that is keeping in detailed consideration the intervals, this allowed me to compose the whole piece with a contrappuntistic material between instrument part and digital one.
Before creating the Studio n.2a, I studied physical (and then acoustical) developments of various vibrating sources and some causes of its vibrations.
I have taken in consideration the following sound sources:
1. "Jeté" on plate sheet by means of metal or wood sticks
2. Various kinds of blows on the water
I recorded this sounds and I made detailed spectral analyses of them. Some results of these analyses have been the most important point of reference for the electronic processings of my composition. In fact, I tried to give to some flute sounds recorded a certain spectral envelope that I already found into the sound sources analysed before. So I created some complex algorithms to reproduce a new flute sound with a its own "acoustical comportment", that is an instrument with "aquatic envelope" or "Jeté-envelope" from dynamical and spectral point of views.

Technical schedule:
dur: 4'30''
technical equipment:
Computer : PC, operativ systems Windows NT, Red Hat Linux.
Software: Csound, Cecilia (Editor per Linux), Sound Forge.
Monitor : Genelec
microphones: Shure, Nyman e RODE.
Scheda audio: Mona (Echo Corporation).
instruments: Recorder, Bassetto Paetzold