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Emanuele Casale
Composizione per quattro
for fl g, f-v, trb, perc and elect.

Length: 04:30
Editor: Edizioni Nuova Stradivarius
1� Performance: Roma - 11/2000
Buyed by: CEMAT

It is obvious that the present notes are not at all indispensable for the comprehension of the piece. Each time I write programme notes on my music I have always some doubts as to their real importance and I am afraid that if they have some technical content, they could interest only the experts in this field. For some time I have been trying to realize self-meaning and self-sufficient musical discourses "as such"; for these reasons I have even given up creating titles which indicate suggestions, specific images, extra-musical and similar references. I absolutely do not want to objectify my choice, but for the moment I feel the will to act like this. I have imagined a little musical event with very short vocal sounds (the voice is not a protagonist here), without any kind of text. I have conceived the sonorous gestures "geometrically", almost mechanically, with flute and trombone inserted in detail - conterpointistically - with electronics. I have used several electronic processing techniques in this piece, the most important of which has been realized using "water" sounds, particularly flat wooden sticks beating in various ways against the surface of a pond. I have obtained spectral tangles from these analyses and, after having studied them in detail, have applied them to the sounds of the flute which constitute the electronic part, creating complex algorithms with Csound. I have also tried to keep the flute sounds "recognizable" in spite of processing, retaining some of their acoustic characteristics (for instance the component of breathing). I have adopted Csound using the Cecilia program with the operational system Linux and also msp (on PowerMacintosh).