Buenos Aires Nottoli
28-31 August 2007
Festival Internacional Sonoimágenes
Festival Acusmático y Multimedial
UNLa - Universidad Nacional de Lanús
Giorgio Nottoli
Ruota del tempo
for sound tracks digitally processed with Orion circuit (1996)
"A sound texture synthesizer based on algorithmic generation of micro-polyphonies"
Abstract. The extensive use of sound textures is one of the most characteristic aspects of contemporary music. In the introduction I'll try to clarify the meaning of the term "texture" when applied to music and to describe the expressive aims related to the concept of sound texture in western music.
The first part of the paper concerns the structure and the development strategy of a "sound texture synthesizer". The synthesis method and the control algorithm will be described. The control algorithm manages the sound micro-structure intended as a microscopic polyphony able to characterize the timbre of a moving sound-mass. The synthesizer was built as a dynamic link library employing a development strategy that will be described in detail. The second part of the paper concerns the use of the synthesizer in musical composition by means of examples taken from some original pieces of music.