MM&T Creative Lab
Musica Musicisti & Tecnologie
President: Walter Prati
Artistic Board: Massimo Mariani, Matteo Pennese, Steve Piccolo, Maurizio Pisati, Marco Vecchi
The MM&T Foundation (Musica, Musicisti & Tecnologie – Music, Musicians & Technologies) is dedicated to musical research, development of music culture, and applications of new technologies to the music.
The Foundation came into existence in 2000, and it has inherited the projects and activities of the homonymous Association, that had been operating since 1990 with the aim to promote experimental and contemporary music.
The peculiarity of MM&T’s actions is focused on the main idea of considering music – in all its applications – as a primary element for everyone’s wellness, and for a more harmonious growth of our society.
The conviction that listening to and playing music can generate a better quality of life is the basis of all MM&T’s activities.
In order to accomplish its core mission, the MM&T Foundation – in partnership with other organizations and associations – carries out a series of actions in various areas of the social and cultural life.
The four major areas of expertise include:
• Musical Research
• Events (concerts and cultural activities)
• Production
• Training
Music is an always evolving language that changes dependently on the transformations occurring in the society. Understanding these modifications is essential for including music practise among the activities necessary for humankind.
First objectives of the Foundation are the research and the study of new musical language able to interpret and satisfy rising social needs. The relationship with technology - crucial element of the contemporary society - is absolutely fundamental for the development of all MM&T’s projects.
Music program proposals by MM&T offer interesting opportunities in the field of production. Therefore, spaces for creativity – alternative to the traditional ones – can be opened, and dedicated to musicians whose interest is the interaction between music and technology, composing and improvising, written and oral tradition.
Also in this area the experience comes directly from the MM&T Association that, since 1990 until nowadays, has always invested its resources to ensure an original space for production in each event organized, open to artists coming from different musical backgrounds and countries.
The MM&T Foundation, which has got its own studio, has been one of the founders of the CEMAT Federation (Federation of Italian Electroacoustic Music Centers), an organization supported by the Italian Ministry of Culture that groups the most representative Italian centers of electronic music. Every year CEMAT promotes a composition contest for electronic music, and MM&T is one of the studios hosting the selected artists for the achievement of their projects.
In addition, the activities connected with production include projects for exhibitions, urban and architectural spaces. MM&T can pursue these projects thanks to its constantly updated studio, equipped with hardware and software.
Via Cascella 9 - 20138 Milan
web site: www.mmt.it
e-mail: [email protected]