Press statement Libro Bianco
Press statement Libro Bianco
White Book, curated by Federazione CEMAT and R.It.M.O (Italian Network of Organised Musicians), produced by Federazione CEMAT is the first publication in Italy on the actors promoting and organizing contemporary music activities at national level
What is the White Book?
The publication of a White Book on Italian contemporary Music is something new in the context of the Italian context. This world – more than in other European countries – has been undergoing the consequences of a lack of financial planning and media silence. The actors and institutions working in this field have engaged themselves in a strive for individual survival in the absence of a strategic plan aimed at developing the resources and creating a cooperation network among all these entities.
Why a White Book?
Notwithstanding this situation, there is an extraordinary growth in our country of associations that operate in the field of musical innovation, as this publication widely demonstrates. Associations, ensembles, and other bodies exist from north to south, in most regions, towns and cities.
It is a heritage which should not be dismantled – as the political trend in the last few years appeared to do so – but to be supported and reconsidered as it enhances the production and dissemination of musical creations that in other circumstances would not circulated among the audiences.
As the political bodies and institution have not been able to respond to the requests of musicians, composers and organisers, a clear need has been highlighted by all actors contributing to the White Book: create collective networks to promote and give visibility to the existence of this reality and to activate a new process of auto-identification.
How was the White Book conceived?
The idea of publishing this White Book arose during the assembly meetings of R.It.M.O. (Rete Italiana Musicisti Organizzati per le musiche contemporanee - www.ritmorete.org <http://www.ritmorete.org> - Italian Network of Organized Musicians for contemporary music) which was created in 2005 in order to react to the emergency created by the dramatic cuts to the Italian State Funds for Performing Arts.
Some 50 organizations took part to these meetings not only to respond to such an emergency, but also to find an open atmosphere to discuss about other worries, like a reflection on the sense of belonging to a community or the need to renovate the identity of this world. On the basis of such debates emerged the necessity of realizing a first analytical and rational census of the actors active in Italy dedicated to the promotion of contemporary music. Federazione CEMAT – the Italian institution for the promotion of contemporary music - member of Ri.T.M.O. - decided to take up the organization and economic burden to realize the project. A questionnaire was elaborated, circulated and all data were collected directly from the sources. A further correction was carried out together with the single participants to the enquiry before printing the final draft, which gives a vivid overview of the situation as for the end of 2007.
Highlights of the White Book
It is the first time ever that an accurate screening on the production and promotion of contemporary music has been carried out in Italy.
One of the main tasks of CEMAT is to individuate the current needs and to put forward strategic plans in order to give a significant contribution to cultural policies, a task which has already been carried out successfully in the past.
If you want to receive a digital copy of the publication (CD ROM in Italian!!) please write an email, send a fax or call the following contacts.
Federazione Cemat - Via Boezio, 33 - 00193 Rome
Ph: + 39 (06) - Fax: +39 (06)