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Agostino Di Scipio
Os, oris (schizzi dell'aria che manca)
for Trombone and Electronics

Length: 10:00

It is often the case that program notes to new compositions (especially
trombone music!) are more interesting than the music in itself... The
present note will be an exception (I promise). Indeed, I have nothing to
say, as the making of this work is still in progress. I can only provide the
listener with a plain translation of the title: it is Latin for "mouth, of mouth" (this is music of "oral tradition"...). The subtitle means something like "skecthes of the air that is missing" (i.e.: not just more
gas, more music, more expression, more anything, but only few hisses and blots of air which may be somehow necessary to some of us to keep breathing). As another bit of information, I can add that in this music, trombone and computer are so tightly intertwined as to become a single noise-generating "system" (a gathering of tools and devices in some mutual, "ecological" interaction between them). In that sense, this is really a "duo", not a composition for "trombone plus some electronic effects".
These sounds are dedicated to Maestro Lomuto, who solicited and
inspired the work, but also to his computer music assistant, Francesco
Scagliola, who - as a performer - is as responsible as Lomuto for what
in the end reaches your ears and mind.
(Agostino Di Scipio)