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Paolo Camiz - Biography
Roma, 1938
Since the childhood he has been dividing between Science and Music. Born in 1938 in Rome, Paolo Camiz chose the first, becoming Nuclear Physic teacher at the Unioversity "La Sapienza" of Rome and devoting himself to teaching and research: recently his interests have shifted from nucleus towards perceptive natural aystems, in particular the auditive and visives ones. Nevertheless Camiz have always "put one foot in the music stirrup", getting a degree in Piano at the Conservatory "S. Cecilia" and following chamber music, choral and soloist singing and chorus conducting. At the moment the conducts, not by sheer coincidence, the "Physics students Chorus". This introduction explains the friendship with Michelangelo Lupone but, to understand his presence in L'Aquila, it is necessary to add the "third stirrup", the sculpture one, to which he devotes his spare time. His adopted material is the iron: old, rusty, found, recycled, bended, cut, welded. A research from which emerges the scientific training of the artist. By means of this hard, violent, but also available, he draws in the space lines by the reinforcing iron rod, lines that come in conterpoint with their own shadows. He makes complex structures with elements like each other (the "Monomanias"), maybe in remembrance of a geometric or chemical problem where the task is to make a figure or a molecule with simple lines or atoms. He cuts and rolls plates, playing with the different degree of surface corrosion. Maybe in this kind of work there are music and science, too. He exhibited in Rome, Cori, Sèstriere and Spoleto in personal and collective eexhibitions. His works are in several private collections in Italy and USA.