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Roberto Doati
Inventario delle eclissi
su testo di Eugenio Montale

Eugenio Montale uses simple words and imbues them with an abstract character. It is my dream to achieve this with my music.
Inventario delle Eclissi is a work based on the motivation of words (motivation has to do with the original meaning of the word which is never lost, but is "eclipsed", or hidden by the more common meaning). I feel that when sounds are transformed they become easier to understand. For this reason I have chosen to work with single words. The transformation of these single sound/words depends on their position in two forms of space: one, purely sonic orders them according to brilliance and attack velocity, the other is semantic and has to do with meaning, polysemy and phonetic similarity.
The work is divided into three parts, as is the poem. For each section I generate different structures creating a line of time density which helps clarify the fragmentation of the text. On a higher level the perception is a collage of words in their original sonority.
Gianni Ravello, who also believes in the suspension, revolution, abandonment and solitude of the Poet, has lent his voice to this project out of friendship. I offer this to him for inclusion in his collection of the Infinite.