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Antonio Doro
A vy (…) ma noi potremmo?
for Tape

Length: 07:00

The composition was commissioned in 1996 for the "Musica Presente, Musica in Europa" festival organized by Musica/Realtà and Teatro alla Scala and was performed at Teatro Studio, Milan on 16 November 1996. The title refers to a poem of Valdimir Mayakovsky A vy mogli by? (But could you?, 1913). Phonemes of the text, transformations of instrumental sounds and other extremely haphazard and chaotic sonorities, derived from the sound sculptures of Pinuccio Sciola on an idea of ethnomusicologist Pietro Sassu, form to a great extent micropolyphonic lines in canon (various canon techniques, microcanons). Original material was prerecorded by Anna Luisa Scano (soprano), Efisio Abis (violin and viola), Battista Giordano and Pierpaolo Strinna (improvised material).
This work is the first of a more extensive and organic cycle of compositions on Chlébnikov and Mayakovsky, stages of a single dialectical progress. For a great many verses, the music tends to a suggestion of secular sacrality, deeply rooted in some disjointed and archaic forms of the ritual funereal dirge of Sardinian musical tradition and, in parallel, in the European sacred polyphony of the XVI century. The piece is dedicated in memoriam to Antonietta Chironi.