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Stefano Scarani

Length: 11:00

text and voice: Julia Chiner Santapau

Soy un espacio lleno de oquedades,
construidas por el viento del tiempo
para albergar los seres que me habitan.

Desde el fondo te escucho
agitar dulcemente tus ramas
testigo de mis grutas, continentes
de monstruos latentes en su crisálida,
formas de la incertidumbre,
de lo posible indefinido.

Soy un universo de raíces y desiertos
y allí yazgo, soy escondida,
en mi jungla de infinitas transformaciones.

(I am a space full of hollows,
created by the wind of time
to shelter the beings who live in me.

From the depths I listen to you
softly agitating your branches
witness of my caves where
monsters lurk in their chrysalides,
forms of uncertainty,
of an indefinite possible.

I am a universe of roots and deserts
and there I lie, hidden,
in my jungle of infinite transformations.)

Oquedades follows the path which I have taken for several years when dealing with poetic texts through electroacoustic processing, shifting the balance alternately along a sort of semiotic axis. The text was recorded in various forms and subdivided according to timbre/duration/form. The electronic processing and the various distinctive typologies of natural vocal emission permitted the exasperation or the minimization of the phonetic characteristics of each particle. The material obtained in this way fluctuated between code and sound until the sense itself of the text was lost and reverted to a language far closer to the preverbal one, still uncontaminated by the share of language. Weeping, laughter, fear, amazement are all sensations that can be communicated without the aid of a fully-developed language and are common to the genus homo sapiens over and above culture and language. It is a specific area which the learning of a code tends to cover, but which music - a refined abstract art par excellence - invariably succeeds in penetrating and representing, like dreams. (Stefano Scarani)

Production: Tangatamanu
Realization: Milan, Valencia 2003-2004
Version: quadraphonic
Version: DVDvideo (Dolby 5.1)
Version: stereo
Production: 24bit original digital based on Digidesign Protools 6.2 audio system