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Niccolò Castiglioni
for fl., ob, vl and vlc

Length: 10:00
Editor: Ricordi

Niccolò Castiglioni's production of the last ten years, is surely one of the best Italian musicians of the post-war period. Seven years after his untimely death, he is someway underestimated, though he is carachterised by an attitude fluctuating between feigned ingenuousness and subtle irony, between intentionally naif elements and the consciousnees of the ageing of the Avant-gardes he had taken part to during the last 50s.
The agogic in the five movements of "Intonazione", a work for flute, oboe, violin and cello (Canone alla rustica - Adagietto primo - Intermezzo - Adagietto secondo - Vispo) are carachterised by the typical innocence of the composer himself. When this rythmic, enchanted, playful music was published ten years ago, seemed to be influenced by a fragile neoclassicism: but, as the time goes by, like all valuable things, we discover more and more their freshness, musicality and significance, free of any "cultural militancy".
(Alessandro Solbiati)