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Marco Betta
Due preludi
for Piano

1� Performance: Piccolo Teatro - Milano - 03/1993

The two preludes, completed in 1993, are two brief melodies for piano in the form of rondo. In the first, the initial melodic theme invades the whole composition, changing itself in chords which overlap one another as in a disintegrating mosaic. In the second, short contrasting sections spring from the initial harmonic theme and follow each other as in a brief hallucinated tale. Starting from the recollection of early music for the keyboard instrument, this work follows a course during which the polyphonic and imitative progress of the contrapuntal tradition are developed in such a way as to vivify a kind of imaginary museum. The traditional compositional structures lose their original sense, merging with musical fragments inspired by the ancient musical cultures of the Mediterranean and becoming, like the ruins of ancient buildings, shadows of a faraway philosophy.