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profiles - composers - maurizio ferrari - biography


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Maurizio Ferrari
Maurizio Ferrari - Biography
Scandiano, 1956
Garcia Lorca - frammenti
for soprano and 7 instruments
© Ricordi - Fonit Cetra

He got a diploma at the Musical Institute "A. Peri" di Reggio Emilia under the guidance of Armando Gentilucci. Some of his works have been performed in national and international festivals and exhibitions. In particular: Aterforum, Nuova Consonanza (Rome), Musica del Nostro Tempo (Milan), Accademia Chigiana di Siena, Teatro alla Scala. In April 2002 the Orchestra Cantelli of Milan performed a work for string orchestra and electronics during the exhibition "Metafonie" organised by the magazine "Musica/Realta". In November 2001 a new work was performed during the "Festival SpazioMusica" in Cagliari. Some of his compositions have been published by the editing house Suvini Zerboni in Milan. He is actually teacher of composition at the Musical Institute "A. Peri" in Reggio Emilia.