ICMC 2015 �" Call for Works and Papers deadline approaching
ICMC 2015 �" Call for Works and Papers deadline approaching
02 February 2015 - 10 February 2020ICMC 2015 Call for Works and Papers deadline approaching.
This is just a reminder that the ICMC2015 deadline for music and paper submissions is fast approaching.
Deadline for submissions: February 8th, 2015
The Center for Experimental Music and Intermedia (CEMI) at the University of North Texas will host the 41st International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2015 in Denton from September 25 to October 1, 2015.
Important Dates
Open for Submissions: January 11th, 2015
Deadline for music and paper submissions: February 8th, 2015 (UTC -7)
Acceptance notification: April 19th, 2015
Final deadlines for all performance material and ‘Camera-Ready’ paper: May 10th, 2015
Registration deadline: June 14th, 2015
Submissions can be made through the conference management system:
We welcome short or long paper submissions for oral, poster or demo presentation as well as studio reports in the (non-exclusive) list of topics:
3D Printing
Acoustics of Music
Aesthetics, Theory, and Philosophy
Algorithmic Composition
Analysis of Electroacoustic Music
Artificial Intelligence and Music
Big Data
Composition Systems and Techniques
Computational Musicology
Computer Systems in Music Education
Digital Audio Signal Processing and Audio Effects
Digital Communities
History of Electroacoustic Music
Interaction and Improvisation
Languages for Computer Music
Live Coding
Mathematical Music Theory
Mobile Music Computing
Music Information Retrieval
New Interfaces for Musical Expression
New Media
Perception and Cognition of Sound and Music
Physical Modeling and Instrumental Acoustics
Representation and Models for Computer Music
Software and Hardware Systems
Spatialisation Techniques
Studio Reports
Telematic Music
Virtual Reality
We welcome music submissions for fixed media, live performance, or installations in the following (non-exclusive) categories:
solo instrument + electronics
ensemble (2-10 musicians) + electronics
laptop improvisation and live coding
video and music
acousmatic music
new interfaces for musical expression
inter-media performance
piece + paper (including computer-aided acoustic composition)
networked performance
club electro (jazz/pop/dj/idm influenced electronic music)
large ensembles + electronics (special category)
- Chamber Choir 16-voice SATB + electronics
- Trombone Choir + electronics
- Jazz Ensemble + electronics
- String Orchestra (4/4/3/2/1) + electronics
- Wind Ensemble + electronics
For more information, please visit our website:
You can also join the conference’s Facebook Group for announcements and updates:
Please forward this call to interested parties and accept our apologies for the cross-posting
Looking forward to your contributions!
Conference Chair: Panayiotis Kokoras (University of North Texas)
Music Chair: Jon Nelson (University of North Texas)
Paper Chair: Richard Dudas (Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea)
Technical Director: Andrew May (University of North Texas)