17-28 September 2004
September 2004
Kryptonale 10
Interdisziplinäres Festival Raumbezogener Künste
in collaboration with Italian Culture Institut of Berlin
September 18, 9.00 pm
Kleine Wasserspeicher
Diedenhofer Strasse
Oltre il deserto spazio
(Jenseits des leeren Raumes)
world premiere for the Kleine Wasserspeicher of Berlin
music by Nicola Sani
Alter Ego
Manuel Zurria, flute
Paolo Ravaglia, clarinet
Francesco Peverini, violin
Francesco Dillon, cello
Oscar Pizzo, piano
André Bartetzki, sound engineer
Boris Hertzer, light tecnician
Oltre il deserto spazio (Jenseits des leeren Raumes) is the title of a project in which the music by Nicola Sani is performed by Alter Ego ensemble in a dimension of spatial performance completely different from a traditional concert; in the performance the sound of live instruments is mixed with electronic sound, images and lights to create a unique "spatial concept". A sound island attracting from the external space towards its core inhabited by sounds and images. This performance was conceived on purpose for the tenth edition of Berlin Kryptonale and uses the space of the Kleine Wasserspeicher with its bows and internal paths. A non-stop 70 minutes performance in six movements, five of them dominated by solo instruments and eight channel electronics in an ideal path through eight expanded islands and the last one in which all instruments take part. The audience can move freely in the space, go through sounds and images like a multimedia installation.
September 17 - 28
Grosse Wasserspeicher
Echoes of a Sonic Habitat
Eco-acoustic installation
The sound installation I am presenting at Kryptonale 2004 is a work of acoustic interaction with the surrounding space; its founding elements are research recordings realized in eco-acoustic contexts in order to create an elaborate score integrated with the peculiarities of the space.
Wasserspeicher complex in Berlin is provided with extraordinary (but extreme at the same time) acoustic features: the big cistern (where the installation will be located) is an architectonical space with concentric basins where the sound reverberation ranges from 10 to 18 seconds relating to the frequency, with an average time of 12 seconds.
In an acoustic microcosm of this kind, the only way to create an interaction is a fusion of the composing activities and the concepts of reflection, diffusion and absorption of sound energy. It would be impossible anyway to play traditional music in such a context, as the harmonic and melodic contents would drown and it would be impossible to get a correct perception of the time sequence. Time itself would be perceived as "expanded" and the space as a mean to this altered perception. To create an installation in such a context means to organise the sound language of the place.
The sound materials recorded on field in the pluvial forests in Brazilian Amazons and Canada by way of experimental microphones for three-dimensional sound recording will be set in this new resonance space, that will change its original acoustic peculiarities. The sound materials in use include: accurately recorded tropical insects of the temperate zone, habitat of primary forest recorded in the various phases of the circadian cycle, amphibia, birds and sounds of the natural elements. "Water" taken as a theme holds a central role by both a symbolical and concrete point of view.
The multi-trace playback passes through 8-16 loudspeakers scattered on the 40 square metres available inside the five basins of the cistern.