28 May 2004 - 05 June 2004
29 May 2004 - 6 pm
June, 3-4-5 - 8 pm
Corpi risonanti (2004) world première
Danceconcert live by Michelangelo Lupone - Vera Sander
Corpi risonanti is a live danceconcert for one percussionist, three dancers, live electronics and video. It uses instruments expressly realized for the piece and a special electroacoustic instrument: the “Feed-drum” designed by the composer. The music originates from the action of the dancers, from their encounter with different materials, from sounds generated by their bodies in movement...
Corpi risonanti is based on the research which the choreographer Vera Sander and the composer Michelangelo Lupone have carried out on finding new forms of relationship between music and dance.
Movement and sound are considered by the two artists as cause-effect of the same expressive phenomenon. This is essentially different to the traditional concept of music written for the dance or dance performed to pre-existing music. Music is a univocal consequence of the choreographic movement. This research has made it possible to realize a work in which the music is a univocal consequence of the choreographic movement.
The music originates from the action of the dancers, from their encounter with different materials, from sounds generated by their bodies in movement.
The music and the gesture which it generates become indissoluble as a result of this experience, creating a new acoustic and visual semantic field.
The peculiarity of the choreographic/musical relationship in this work is that it uses newly developed, live and electronic amplified instruments and sound bodies on stage which have a resonant relationship with the choreographed body.
The work establishes a relationship between the human body and elements such as water, wood and steel, exploring their physical characteristics (vibrational shape and nature of the material) and the deformations which these can assume when they come into contact.
The resonances produced by the human body combine with the sound of the material, creating a symphony of expressive gestures which initially declare their identity and progressively experience transformation and integration.
The work, composed and choreographed for one musician, three dancers, live electronics and video, uses instruments expressly designed for it, as well as a special electroacoustic percussion instrument designed by the composer: the “Feed-drum” (production Gramma 2002)
Corpi risonanti has been created either for performance by itself (duration approx. 40 minutes) or combined with two short preliminary pieces Spazio invisibile (music only, approx. 10') and Silenzio (dance only, approx. 10') which illustrate the personal aesthetics of the two artists.
Choreographer and dancer Vera Sander studied dance at London and Amsterdam. Her works have been performed by Kristina de Chatel dance group, Itzik Galili (NL), Saechsische Staatsoper, Dresda and Tanz-Forum, Cologne. She has received the Cologne Prize for the dance and the German Prize for video-dance. She is artistic director of the dance company VeraSanderArtConnects, NRW (D).
The artist develops and realizes interdisciplinary projects and creates dance pieces for dance companies worldwide.
Composer Michelangelo Lupone is founder of Centro Ricerche Musicali - CRM, an advanced technology centre for musical and scientific research.
His approach to musical research led to decisive results after 1976, with regard to both the composition of works with an innovative language and the invention of new instruments dedicated to the diffusion and spatialization, synthesis and numerical processing of sound (Fly10, Fly30) as well as sound art installations (Planephones and Holophones)
dance and percussion:
Ini Dill, Panja Fladerer, Jessica Von Rüschen, Alessandro Tomassetti