Ville d'Athenes - Technopolis
Piréos 100.11854
September 3th - 8 pm
Opening Event
Auditorium of the Municipal Broadcasting Station
"Homage to Costantinos Kavafis e Giuseppe Ungaretti"
Texts by Kavafis and Ungaretti
Greek ancient fragments: reconstruction and transcription by Paolo Emilio Carapezza
Greek Narrator: Katerina Didaskalou
Italian Narrator: Silvia Schiavoni
Literary Coordination: Silvia Schiavoni
Sound: Maria Cristina de Amicis
Music Coordinator: Giovanni Trovalusci
Flutes: Giovanni Trovalusci
Harp: Patrizia Radici
Percussion: Gianluca Ruggeri
10.15 pm Exhibition
Pavilion D 4 - Expo Rooms
Art Sound Installation based on Phlanephones
Visits to the exhibition were possible for three days on end
Music of: Guido Baggiani, Laura Bianchini, Mauro Cardi, Fabio Cifariello Ciardi, Giorgio Colombo Taccani, Antonio Doro, Michele Dall'Ongaro, Maria Cristina de Amicis, James Dashow, Fausto Sebastiani
Responsible for Project: Laura Bianchini
Design: Gianfranco Lucchino
Audio technician: Maurizio Palpacelli
September 4th - 8 pm
"Theatre of Listening"
Outside room - Tente
Exhibition of sound amplification's new technology and concert of electro-acoustic music given out by special fittings and fixtures called Olofoni.
Realized by CRM (Musical Research Centre, Rome)
Iannis Xenakis:
Rebounds for one percussionist
Hibiki-Hana-Ma for tape
Michelangelo Lupone:
Canto di madre for digital support
Gran Cassa for bass percussion instrument with device for vibrating the membrane
Percussion: Alessandro Tomassetti
Video: Roberto Carotenuto
Scenography and lights: Gianfranco Lucchino
Audio: Piero Schiavoni
Il concerto presenta quattro opere con struttura ed espressività diverse ma legate intimamente dalla ricerca per soluzioni stilistiche e tecniche innovative. La diffusione del suono viene effettuata attraverso gli Olofoni (particolari proiettori di suono di forma parabolica) che permettono una distribuzione direzionata e molto dettagliata del suono anche in luoghi aperti.
Il concerto è strutturato in forma di installazione poiché le luci e la disposizione degli Olofoni realizzano una scenografia funzionale sia visiva che sonora.
The electronic performance will be repeated the following day in two different moments.
September 5th - 9 pm
Pavilion D 10 - Upper room
Concert-Multimedial Performance
"Homage to Iannis Xenakis"
Orient - Occident: Images d'une exposition
Short movie by Enrico Fulchignoni and music by Iannis Xenakis
9,30 pm
Giorgio Battistelli
La chanson de geste de Hector et Achilles Memory and body's representation for video and two musicians live.
Harp: Patrizia Radici
Percussion: Gianluca Ruggeri
Sound: Maria Cristina de Amicis
Video: Studio Azzurro di Milano
Lower Room - 9 pm
Video Installation
"Video Delfi" Studio for sound, voice, video and darkness
on a text by Iannis Ritsos
Musical Project by Pietro Milesi
Vocal writing and interpretation by Moni Ovadia
Video-theatrical Project by Studio Azzurro
Program presented by:
-Greece (Municipality of di Athens - Technopolis Centre)
-Italy (Euro-Mediterraneo - Culture dei Mari)
-Italia (Comitato Nazionale Patrimonio e Memoria nella Cultura Mediterranea)
-Francia (Institut du Monde Arabe)
With the patronage of:
-Governatorato di Alexandria d'Egitto
And the co-operation of:
-Italy (Sonora Project / Federazione CEMAT)
-Greece (Municipality of Athens - Technopolis Centre)
Organized by:
-Italy (Euro-mediterraneo - Culture dei Mari)