CEMAT celebrates its 10 years 06
06-08 November 2006
Federazione CEMAT celebrates its 10 years!
Federazione CEMAT celebrated its 10 years of activity from November 6 to 8. This was not a celebration of our achievements, but an occasion to meet all the people who devote their passion to music and a chance to build an overview on the “politics and policies” that are the main concern of the operators in the field of contemporary music, who feel excluded from the attention of the political power and from the attention of mainstream audience.
All events took place at Goethe Institut in Rome and participation was free. The concerts gave us the chance to listen to the latest electroacoustic music production of the National Federations members of CIME (Confédération Internationale de Musique Electroacoustique-CIM Unesco). A space was dedicated to the presentation of CEMAT activities, to a conference on the history of electroacoustic music, to the presentation of books and new Italian electroacoustic productions, seminars, live performances, installations and a final Party of Electroacoustic Music on November 8 at 9 pm.
Goethe-Institut - Rome
Federazione Cemat
ant its associated members: CRM - Centro Ricerche Musicali, Edison Studio, Musica Verticale, Circuit Lab Università Tor Vergata of Rome, Laboratorio musicale Città della Scienza of Naples, IRMus Istituto di Ricerca Musicale and Fondazione MM&T of Milan, Istituto GRAMMA of L'Aquila, Spaziomusica Ricerca of Cagliari
November 6-8
Varianti in vetro
Art sound installation dedicated to Italian electroacoustic music
A project by CRM-Centro Ricerche Musicali
conceived by Michelangelo Lupone
Works by: Mauro Bagella, Guido Baggiani, Luciano Berio, Laura Bianchini, Riccardo Bianchini, Franco Evangelisti, Emanuele Casale, Giorgio Colombo Taccani, Giovanni Cospito, Riccardo Dapelo, James Dashow, Maria Cristina De Amicis, Agostino Di Scipio, Francesco Galante, Francesco Giomi, Maurizio Giri, Domenico Guaccero, Bruno Maderna, Alessandro Melchiorre, Andrea Nicoli, Luigi Nono, Giorgio Nottoli, Paolo Pachini, Lorenzo Pagliei, Emanuele Pappalardo, Maurizio Pisati, Teresa Rampazzi, Fausto Razzi, Nicola Sani, Francesco Scagliola, Giancarlo Schiaffini, Domenico Sciajno, Fausto Sebastiani, Marco Stroppa, Michele Tadini, Giovanni Verrando.
Cemat Info
Interactive Audiovisual points
November 6, Mon.
6 pm
The birth of electroacoustic music
by Giuseppe Di Giugno, Hon. President of Cemat
Opening Cocktail of the Celebrations
Presentation of the book
Pietro Grossi. Il dito nella marmellata by G. De Simone
Nardini Publisher– Firenze - with the participation of the author, Daniele Lombardi, Ennio Bazzoni
moderator Enrico Cocco
9 pm
La Stanza degli Ascolti
International series of electroacoustic music (1)
National première of works selected and produced by the national Federations of Confédération Internationale de Musique Eléctroacoustique (CIME-Cim Unesco)
Works from Greece, Nikos Stavropoulos (in 4), Italy, Roberto Doati (Bastone armonico), Argentina, Jorge Rapp, (Otro tiempo, otro lugar), Belgium, Joris de Laet (Pour piano et pianiste), Chile, Josè Miguel Candela (Delta), France, Christian Clozier (Sous l’hetre de l’étang, grenouillent rient)
November 7, Tue.
from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm
Dieci anni di CEMAT (10 Years of CEMAT)
Supporting the research and promotion of electroacoustic and contemporary music
Welcome speeches
Presentation of the publication dedicated to the 10 years celebration
Tracing the history and looking beyond by Gisella Belgeri
Musical creativity in the past and in the present, the voice of Italian talent abroad
I primi sei anni del progetto "Sonora, Nuova Musica italiana nel Mondo"
Programming strategies
With the participation of the Ambassador Gianfranco Facco Bonetti
And the participation of Nicola Sani, Laura Bianchini and Walter Prati
Opportunities for Italian musicians
The first six years of "SIXE-Suono Italiano per l'Europa"
Programming strategies
With the participation of Carlo Maria Badini
Experience by Marco Angius and Theo Eshetu
Excerpts of the DVD Terra e Musica by Theo Eshetu, with works conducted by Peter Maxwell Davies and Marco Angius, Santa Severina 2005
6,30 pm
Call - Punti di Ascolto
Presentation of the 2nd edition coordinated by Guido Barbieri
with Alessandro Melchiorre, Laura Bianchini, Walter Prati, Gianni Trovalusci, Claudio Chianura
CD-Mixed mode including works by Mario Bajardi, Massimo Carlentini, Franco Degrassi, Massimo Mariani, Marco Marinoni, Tommaso Perego, Giancarlo Turaccio
Presentation of the DVD "delle acque "
Production MM&T (Milan) - Auditorium Edizioni - Milan
9 pm
delle acque - Live Performance
Video by Antonella Bersani and Matteo Pennese
Music by Walter Prati and Matteo Pennese
9,45 pm
La Stanza degli Ascolti
International series of electroacoustic music (2)
National première of works selected and produced by the national Federations of Confédération Internationale de Musique Eléctroacoustique CIME-CIM Unesco
Works from Poland, Magdalena Dlugosz (Ombrarchetto) Sweden, Lars Hojerdahl (Parfum Exotique), Italy, Riccardo Vaglini (Lettera alla madre), Norway, Flo Asbjorn Blokkum (Earbitten) Switzerland Claude Jordan (Turbulence)
November 8, Wed.
from 9.30 am
Federazione Cemat - R.It.M.O. - Progetto Musica
Meeting on the State of the art of contemporary music
Italian musicians want to have their say in the Country’s cultural life.
What responses to composers, performers and scholars?
· Contemporary musical research and production
· Themes of musical policies
Communication by R.It.M.O. General Assembly
Round-up and proposals
With the participation of musical operators, cultural keynote speakers, trade unionists and politicians
Sandro Cappelletto coordinator
8.30 pm
Edison Studio
Three videos with music by Alessandro Cipriani, Mauro Cardi, Luigi Ceccarelli
Still Blue (Homage to Derek Jarman) (1998-2000)
Altrove con il suo nome (2000-2001)
R for Redrum (2002)
9.30 pm
"... e anche 10 anni di soddisfazioni e successi.”
(and also 10 years of achievements and success)
With the extraordinary participation of Mario Bertoncini
The participation of Cemat Member Centres, of Elio Martusciello and electroacoustic music performers and composers
Musical contributions by
Elio Martusciello Compensazioni
Gianni Lenoci Notturno frattale
Silvia Lanzalone Voce
Roberto Musanti glitch TV
Beatrice Lasio Tre Lune Artemide, Selene, Ecate
Stefano Di Perna Volumi di luce
Massimo Munari Studio 1° (sulle superfici)
Luca Spanu Analisi di una particella d'acqua
Luigi Pizzaleo Captiva
Rosella Clementi TA TE TI TO TU, girovagando sul soffio
Vincenzo Grossi Laria 2006
Maria Clara Cervelli / Walter Cianciusi / Alessio Gabriele Node
Domenico De Simone BI(OS)
David Barlattani Katharsis (ricordando Ligeti)
Gabriele Sulli Shantih
Angelina Yershova Scherzo Polifonico - Hau-Lau
Stefano Busiello Praising the tree*
Presented Nicola Sani
Realization by CRM and the collaboration of Gianni Trovalusci