President: Fabrizio Casti
Vice president: Franco Oppo
Spaziomusica Ricerca was founded in Cagliari in 1990. The study and experimentation activity of the Centre, always mindful of the particular socio-cultural situation of the island, ranges from the study of unusual acoustic performances of music associated with the rural culture of Sardinia (with studies on the physical-acoustic and linguistic-expressive aspects orientated towards the possibility of an extension of the phonetic vocabulary of contemporary music and of its syntactic and grammatical systems) up to highly advanced research relative to the scientific-technological, interpretative and compositional aspects implied by the use of electronic equipment. Spaziomusica Ricerca also organizes numerous seminars connected with very different problems raised by music and is classifying a wide range of material regarding contemporary music - and in particular the correlation between the scores and sound recordings of all the works performed at the editions of Spaziomusica Festival. Appropriate facilities are therefore being set up so that the stored material can be consulted by anyone interested.
SpaziomusicaRicercavia Liguria, 60 - 09127 CAGLIARI
Ph. + 39 070 40 08 44
Fax + 39 070 48 54 39
e-mail: [email protected]
web: www.spaziomusicaricerca.com