- bio Riccardo Santoboni was born in Rome on 01.01.1964, has dedicated his life to music and musical research.
As part of the music research deals with interactions between humans and computer systems (Human-Computer Interaction-) at the end of the generation, control and processing of sound by acoustic instruments and electroacoustic. To this end is doing, at the Faculty of Engineering 'University of Studies of Rome-Tor Vergata-through many thesis of which was a speaker, several projects for the implementation of hardware and software, professional quality low cost, for the interaction between performer / s, electronics and video. At the same deals with models of perception and psychoacoustics.
It 'been a consultant for the electro-acoustic section and the "Citadel of Science" in Bari
It 'was a musical consultant at the IRIS (Institute for Industrial Research and the Arts) of Paliano (FR) 1994 to 1998, where he studied the issues related to the electronic music and computer music.
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