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Mario Bajardi
Mario Bajardi - Biography


E-mail: [email protected]
BJM Piano Studio(2002)
per nastro

Graduated in Violin at Caltanissetta Conservatory in 1997 and in Electronic Music with Alessandro Cipriani in 2003.
Since 2001 he has been responsible for the electronic music laboratory of the "Vincenzo Bellini" Conservatory. Palermo. His activities in this field of research include the composition of music for tape, synthesizers, orchestra and electroacoustic groups; he is particularly interested in incidental music, documentaries and multimedia productions. He also collaborates with experimental film directors for musical and video projects and takes part in competitions and other music events. 
He composed the soundtrack of Salvo Cuccia's documentary Paesaggi Italiani 36 Snapshots presented at "Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimo", New York and at "Godwin-Ternback Museum", Queens College, New York University in 2001 and was responsible for the music and performance of pieces for violin in various shows staged by the film director Carlo Cecchi with whom he toured France, in particular at the Festival of the XXth Century in Paris.

For more detailed information please click here

Updated to 01/2014