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Alessandra Bellino
Alessandra Bellino - Biography
Napoli, 1970


E-mail: [email protected]
Gustavo B(2009)
for classic guitar
Ars Publica Publisher

Instrument: Piano

First-class degree in piano, with special mention, together with the concert activity, the humanistic and organ studies, she has studied composition with Bruno Mazzotta, getting a diploma with full marks.
In 2002 she graduates in Composition with full marks at the National Academy of S. Cecilia with Azio Corghi (President L. Berio).
She specializes at the Chigiana Musical Academy, receiving a scholarship and a special mention for some of her works performed at the "58th Settimaana Musicale Senese" and at the Chigiana Academy Italy.
She specializes with Ivan Fedele at Bari in 2005 at the MasterClass" Time, Space and Figure in the music of Ivan Fedele" and deepens the study of the new technologies applied to the musical composition with Riccardo Santoboni and the following year she graduates with honours in Musical Disciplines - Technological Area in Composition at the Conservatory of Music in Bari.

For more detailed information please click here

Updated to 01/2014