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Michelangelo Lupone
Michelangelo Lupone - Selected Works
Solopaca, 1953

Ciclo astrale
for violin, tape and live electronics
  • Altair - 1986 - 12:00
    for Violin and Tape
    First performance: Auditorium Pollini - Padova - 11/1986
  • Blend
    for Electronics
  • Canto di madre - 1998 - 07:00
    for Tape
    First performance: Roma _ Radio Vaticana - 10/1998
  • Canto di madre - 1998
    for Computer
  • Carillon - 1990 - 20:00
    for Tape
    First performance: Roma - 1990
  • Ciclo Astrale. II parte - 1986 - 11:31
    for Violin, Tape and Live electronics
  • Contrazione - 1990 - 12:00
    for 2 Flutes, Tape and Video
    First performance: Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna - Roma - 1990
  • Controfiato - 1997 - 18:00
    performance sul respiro di un danzatore
    First performance: Goethe Institut - Roma - 1997
  • Contropasso - 1998 - 40:00
    for Dancers and Computer real time
    First performance: Acquario Romano - Roma - 1998
  • Fenice - 1996 - 20:00
    su testi di Sandro Cappelletto
    for tape, actress, live-el and sound spatialization
    First performance: Acquario Romano - Roma - 1996
  • Forma del respiro - 1993 - 08:50
    for Tape
    First performance: Goethe Institut - Roma - 1993
  • Gran Cassa - 20:00
    for Feed-drum
  • I diversi Majakovskij - 1994 - 11:00
    for actress, ensemble, live-el and fly 30
    First performance: Acquario Romano - Roma - 1994
  • Il convitato - 1991 - 06:00
    for Tape
    First performance: Sala Comunale - Velletri - 1991
  • In primo piano - 1995 - 07:00
    for Ensemble and Live electronics
    First performance: Teatro dei Documenti - Roma - 1995
  • Incanto - 1998 - 16:00
    for Tape
    First performance: Goethe Insitutut - Roma - 1998
  • Incanto - 1998 - 16:00
    for Soprano, Tape and 2 Dancers
    First performance: Goethe Institut - Roma - 1998
  • Mira - 1985 - 11:00
    for Computer real time and Female dancer
    First performance: Villa Pignatelli - Napoli - 10/1985
  • Mizar - 1987 - 14:00
    for Computer real time
    First performance: Auditorium RAI - Roma - 11/1987
  • Mobile/Locale - 1991 - 11:00
    for Percussionist, Tape and Fly 30 real time
    First performance: Palazzo delle Esposizioni - Roma - 1991
  • Mutamenti - 1992 - 20:00
    for Tape and Video
    First performance: Università La Sapienza - Roma - 1992
  • Oltre il doppio - 1989 - 15:00
    for fl., perc, tape and 2 dancers
    First performance: Palazzo della Cancelleria - Roma - 1989
  • Opposizioni - 1996 - 01:45
    radio opera in 21 sezioni su testi di E. Palandri
    for Tape
    First performance: RadioTre RAI - Roma - 1996
  • Rumori - 1998 - 05:24
    for Tape
    First performance: Goethe Institut - Roma - 06/1998
  • Scambio - 1996 - 11:00
    for fl., perc, live-el and tape
    First performance: Civica Scuola di Musica - Milano - 1996
  • Strati - 1994 - 14:00
    for 2 perc, 2 k., live-el and fly 30
    First performance: Istituto Italiano di Cultura - Paris - 1994
  • Studio I sul ciclo astrale - 1986 - 10:00
    for Tape
    First performance: Palazzo della Cancelleria - Roma - 11/1986
  • Swap - 1990 - 10:43
    for Flute, Percussion and Tape
    First performance: RadioTre RAI - Roma - 1991
  • Swapping - 1990 - 03:15
    for Tape
    First performance: Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna - Roma - 1990
  • Swapping - 1990 - 03:17
    for Tape and Video
    First performance: Galleria Nazionale d'Erte Moderna - Roma - 1990
  • Trasformazione - 1989 - 06:00
    for Soprano and Fly 10 real time
    First performance: Akademie der Kunste - Berlin - 1990
  • Viarianti di un grano - 1993 - 05:00
    for Tape
    First performance: Sala 1 - Roma - 1993
  • Doppio di coppia - 1987 - 08:50
    Michelangelo Lupone - Nicola Sani
    for Computer real time
    First performance: Sala della Cancelleria - Roma - 10/1987