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He get Conservatory Diploma in Piano (cum laude), Composition, Electronic Music (cum Laude), in Orchestral Conducting; Diploma cum laude at the Specialization Course in Composition of Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome, Luciano Berio was the president of the examining board.
He studied composition with Azio Corghi, Ivan Vandor, Giorgio Nottoli, Salvatore Sciarrino, Antonio D'Antò; he had encounters with Luciano Berio and attended to many courses and workshops held by Gérard Grisey, Jonathan Harvey, Helmut Lachenmann, Henri Pousseur.. He Studied Orchestral Conducting under the tuition of Dario Lucantoni.
He received commissions from Arena di Verona, Teatro dell'Opera di Roma and Accademia di S. Cecilia and he composed pieces expressely for Gabriele Cassone, Corrado Colliard, Andrea Corazziari and the Divertimento Ensemble of Sandro Gorli.

Always being interested in music theatre and vocality, he collaborated with some theatre companies and composed pieces in which the voice is put at the middle of an experience at the boundaries of theatre, literature and music.
He won the I prize at the Second Composition Competition "S. Quasimodo" in Rome 1990; first prize at the first International Composition Competition Premio Paradiso (2000), Italy. He was selected by the Reading Panel 2004 of IRCAM to attend the one year course in computer music and composition starting in October 2005 and organized by IRCAM.

His music was performed in Italy and in foreign countries: XXII Foro Internacional de Música Nueva Manuel Enríquez in Mexico City, Malta-International Project of Computer Music 1997, concert series PrimaVerona 2000 sponsored by L'Arena di Verona theatre, J. F. Ribas concert hall in Caracas, Teatro Nuovo in Ferrara, Boulogne-Billancourt Conservatoire National de Regione (Paris), Accademia Chighiana in Siena, Istituto di Cultura Italiana in Strasbourg, Teatro Nazionale in Rome in collaboration with Teatro dell'Opera of Rome and Accademia di S. Cecilia of Rome for the Verdi's centenary, at BKA Theater in Berlin.. 
His music is published by Edizioni Suvini - Zerboni of Milan.

Actually he is professor in Electronic Music at the Conservatory of Vicenza, Italy and he has taught in Conservatories of Palermo and Verona.
He is artistic director of the music label XXI Musicale entirely devoted to contemporary music, published in collaboration with EMI Music - Italy with the cooperation of Italian Radio RAI.
He collaborated with the Faculty of Engineering at University Tor Vergata in Rome concerning the compositional use and developing of the SAIPH, a real-time electronic music system. He collaborated as a composer with the Faculty of Psychology of the University La Sapienza in Rome for a European educational project on teaching languages to children with the aid of music.

As a pianist, he performed concentrating most of all on contemporary, classical, improvised and jazz music. He played at Hungarian Academy in Rome, at Biennale dei giovani artisti del mediterraneo in Turin, at Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome, at Accademia Filarmonica Romana (Sala Casella), at Amici del Loggione of Teatro alla Scala in Milan..

Updated to 09/2005