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Pietro Pirelli
Pietro Pirelli - Biography
Roma, 1954
Fractals (2000)
for percussion
Fractals (2000)
for percussion

He studied composition and percussion instruments at the conservatories of L'Aquila and Milan. Also studied with Stockhausen in Rome and at the summer courses of Darmstadt. In 1990 founded the AGON Centre for electroacoustic music of which he is currently president.
Composes and realizes music for concert performance, various installations and musical projects.
Also active in music-theatre, collaborating for many years as composer and performer with the Living Theater of New York.
Principal works: Fratmallet for tape; Pensieri for flute and tape; Toccata for guitar; Fractals for two percussionists and live electronics; Universacqua (installation); Suonare l'Acqua (installation); Celti (sound track for RAI); Materastaz (installation); Flumen (for improvisation group and electronics); Diari di Viaggio (joint music-theatre work); Fiordiluce (installation); Chisciotte, Capital Changes, Love & Politics for Living Theater, N.Y.
In course of realization:
Hymeneo, CD, contemporary music of ancient Rome, for choirs, flutes, percussion, concrete sounds and electronics.
Fiordiluce, for flute, 3 percussion instruments and electronics.
Musica in voga: project for an interactive installation with oars.