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Maurizio Persia
Maurizio Persia - Biography

Instrument: Trombone
Maurizio Persia plays in the Orchestra of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia under the conduction of some of the most important conductors of the world. He got a diploma in trombone at the Conservatoire of music in Rome in 1986. He attended the specialisation courses in Fiesole with the Orchestra Giovanile Italiana (Italian Youth Orchestra), the course of Saint Maximin in France with the Mediterranean Youth Orchestra. He passed the auditions for the orchestras at the Opera Theatre in Rome, of the Arena in Verona, of the Theatre in Catania, of the Theatre in Sanremo, he passed the 2nd Bass Trombone Contest at the Opera Theatre and won the Trombone Contest at the National Orchestra of Santa Cecilia. He records soundtracks with Ennio Morricone, N. Piovani, L. Bachalov, A. Trovajoli, B. Conti. He played in the orchestras of many TV spectacles for Rai and Canale 5. He taught in the music Conservatoires of Reggio Calabria, L'Aquila, Cagliari and Salerno. He plays with the brass at the Accademia Nazionale of Santa Cecilia and with the "Roma Brass Quintet".