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I Solisti di Roma
I Solisti di Roma - Biography

Instrument: Ensemble
Since 196, one of the most eclectic and appreciated Italian chamber music ensembles, that has always proposed stimulating programmes of traditional classical music, avant-garde and ethnic inspired music.
They have collaborated with composers such as Petrassi, Scelsi, Sciarrino, Bortolotti, Evangelisti, Guaccero, Lombardi etc. in first performances of their works as well as with many younger authors. They have recorded for RCA, Carish, Edipan, Bongiovanni, Musicaimmagine etc. with titles that go from "Farinelli" to DISCoveries and "Musiche di fine millennio".
In recent years they have dedicated more space to the "historical" 1900's and to transversal movements that unite music, dance, visual art and the spoken word (such as Futurism).
"I Solisti di Roma" have been chosen by the Italian government many times to participate in Italian festivals in various countries, and have toured in all of Europe, North and South America, with recordings for innumerable radio and television stations.
Updated to 02/2001