- bio
Web: www.federicalotti.com/
Link 1: www.conseve.it/sitidocenti/lotti/Federica_Lotti/Biografia.html
E-mail: [email protected]
Instrument: Flute
Federica Lotti began to study flute at the age of eleven with R. Fabbriciani, graduating in five years only at the Music Conservatory "L. Cherubini" of Florence and immediately starting a brilliant concert activity. She mastered with a scolarship under S. Gazzelloni at the "Chigiana Music Academy" of Siena, with C. Klemm at the Music Academy of Città di Castello and at "S. Cecilia" Music Academy in Rome, with A. Marion at the International Academy of Nizza, with P.Y. Artaud at IRCAM of Paris and at Ferienkursen of Darmstadt.
She has won several competitions. As a soloist she has played with italian and international orchestras: RAI di Roma, Lublin Poland, "Galuppi" Venice, Teatro di Lucca, Filarmonica di Udine, Philarmonic of Bacau and Arad Rumania.
She has played in important Festivals such as Biennale in Zagreb, Autunno Musicale di Como, Festival dell’Accademia Barocca di Roma, Festival Pontino, at Piccolo Regio in Turin, Sale Apollinee Teatro "La Fenice" in Venice, Strasbourg Conservatory, Centre Pompidou in Paris, Big Concert Hall in “F. Chopin” Music Academy in Warsaw, Wiener Salle of Mozarteum in Salzburg, Recital Hall of the College of Music at the North Texas University.
She played in Spain, Austria, France, The Netherlands, Turkey, Rumania, Poland, Croatia, Sweden, USA and has recorded for RAI TV, Radio Koper, Tyrol Radio. She issued CDs with EDIPAN and Tau Kay.
She is Professor at Music Conservatory «Benedetto Marcello» of Venice and teaches summer courses, and invited as member of jury in many competitions (Stresa, Castello di Belveglio, Krakamp, Flautistra in Koper, Flauta Aurea in Zagreb).
She plays the whole flute-family (from bass flute to piccolo) also performing contemporary music tecniques co-operating with numerous composers such as Bo, Mirigliano, Pasquotti, Samorì and Ugoletti.
In 1999 she took part in the organization for the 250th of Lorenzo Da Ponte’s birth in Vittorio Veneto and Venice.
She was invited to hold a lesson by the Acustic Lab CNR "Fondazione Cini" in Venice, "Dokuz Eylul" Music Academy in Izmir (Turkey), “F. Chopin” Music Academy in Warsaw (Poland), KTH (King Institute of Technology) in Stockholm (Sweden), College of Music of the North Texas University (USA), Music Academy in Zagreb (Croatia), Music School in Koper (Slovenia).